ELIHU’S KEY by Mal Garvin – a short excerpt

“One may understand the cosmos but never the ego; that understanding of the self is more distant than any star.” G.K. Chesterton The harm caused by negativity contaminates the environment we exist in. An emotion that does harm to the body also affects the people we...

Elihu’s Key by Mal Garvin – another short excerpt

The delusion that science will lead us to a happy future has exploded. Andrew Greeley is amazed at how human consciousness has changed since his time in the academic world. ”When I was a graduate student in the sixties the serene confidence we had in the explanatory...

Elihu’s Key by Mal Garvin (excerpt)

Chapter 6   THE GREAT PARADOX OF MODERN SPIRITUALITY “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.”...