Well we’re about to see a unique period in Australia’s political history.
Recently there has been significant focus on the question of who will be the new speaker in Parliament; also on Kevin Rudd’s rapport with overseas leaders on his recent trip. But the focus is about to shift to the leaders as they face off in Canberra.
However leaders can’t lead without followers.We wait to see which side will have the best team; and team players.
According to Robert Kelly who wrote “The Power of Followership” there are 5 different styles followers fall into.
1:the alienated follower:These often start out as exemplary followers but withdraw due to hurt and lack of trust.
2:The conformist,These are the non threatening team players who accept assignments gladly but have a lack of their own ideas; they are averse to conflict and are unwilling to take unpopular positions.
3:The pragmatist,Attuned to the organisation’s political realities, able to work the system and maintain a middle line.These play by, and appeal to the regulations -these are the classic bureaucrats.
4:The passive follower,These rely on the designated leader’s judgment, take action only when the leader gives instruction; they are unable to initiate ,and follow the crowd.
5:The Exemplary follower:Adds value,makes a positive difference in helping the organisation/movement achieve its goals.This follower has a focus on objectives and core values,but is also emotionaly intelligent,and sees people and can be their voice when necesary.
So being a good follower is much more than simply “being in the rear with the gear.” The exemplary follower-will also have the capacity to emerge as a future leader.
There is a global need for leadership, in both the community at large and the Christian community.
Maybe we all in need of the spiritual intelligence that can undergird emotional and social intelligence..