Hope beyond the scars:

"At the timberline where the storms strike with the most fury, the sturdiest trees are found." Hudson Taylor The difference between hope and optimism is that optimists expect the best while hope addicts know that in spite of the scars and no matter how bad things...

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"What we love to do we find time to do." John Lancaster Spalding. It is in fact a good measure of where our heart is. It is also a measure of how congruent our our values are with our stated ideals. It can be helpful to check how often our esteem needs ( i.e. need for...

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How not to feed a neurosis.

"Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it." They say a neurotic person never really wants to be saved from their neurosis they just want to be more comfortable in it. There is always valid suffering in growth but as it is said "The...

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Good Friday fifty six years a young and troubled rat bag went to a City Mission Easter camp and found a center to his soul by understanding the Easter message for the first time. It gave me a 'telos, ' a divine direction that I am thankful for to this very day. May...

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Growing a sustainable movement.

HOW DO YOU SURVIVE WHEN THINGS GET TOUGH? All the economic indicators are that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. Economist and author E.F. Schumacher said just before his death ”It is my personal belief that industrial society unless...

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